donderdag 13 januari 2011

Music for the Road

“Music for the road.” By now a separate playlist in my music player. It consists of Eddie Vedder, Tom Waits, Nick Cave and Tom McRae. These voices take me away through long journeys.

I find I like the travelling. Both the solitude and time for pondering that is given by trains, but lately also being packed in cars where you share the journey. For a while we’re confined to the same space, we have the same destination to go Gods-Knows-Where to dance; to enjoy moving together with other human beings. We travel in silence. We talk. We laugh. We sing. We sleep. I don’t know with how many people I’ve shared this experience now. Sometimes we were nearly strangers, sometimes acquaintances, sometimes close friends, sometimes lovers. Whatever we are, we travel together and for a while we deal with each other, and accept each other for just as we are. We have the same destination; The same future.

Sometimes while travelling I literally feel I am leaving things behind. When crossing distance emotional distance is created. I can clear and sophisticate my thoughts. The passage of distance equals the passage of time and equals the passage of thought. If no distance is travelled, no emotional distance is made.

(Any recommendation is welcome)

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