donderdag 28 oktober 2010

archive #020


I believe I’m imperfect, but I also believe there are many worse than me, so I have a right to be optimistic. I also believe I am entirely justified in not liking myself sometimes.
I believe I am capable of loving beyond loving myself. I also feel I’ll never be able to such self sacrifice. I believe such sacrifices are made daily. I believe it is possible to love and to hate at the same time. I believe that love always ends up hurting.
I believe that after death people go where they believe they’ll go. I believe people create their own hell, just as I believe that people create their own heaven. I believe in God as a possible of many, many options
I believe my most precious commodity is my life. I believe that no-one has the right to take someone else’s life even if we should call it justice. I believe life is one’s own responsibility. I believe suicide is a cowardly action; however I believe that any well thinking mind who wants certain autonomy over one’s own life must’ve at least once considered suicide. I believe suicide when suffering constantly in one’s life is completely justifiable.
I believe children should be happy and loved. I believe fish make wonderful pets. I believe cats are better than dogs.
I believe in no universal truths and I believe that’s a universal truth. I believe science will never be perfect, but that it’s the best thing to go by.
I believe first impressions suck because I believe you can’t do without them. I believe first impressions are vital.
I believe the moon is a she. I believe that by actively talking to her when she’s full I might appear insane, but that there is something out there listening. I believe the world will end in 2012, but we might not be aware of the fact that it has.
I believe that our thoughts are a collective of action potentials and synaptic transmissions. I believe that the sum of the parts is less than the whole. I believe one and one can be two, eleven, one and everything depending on your assumptions. I believe our existence is by choice, but at the same time by chaos and that we’re hopelessly stuck in patterns we can’t get out of.
I believe seasons change me, but that I essentially stay the same person. I believe I change and am a different person sometime soon as all the cells in my body will have replaced itself.
I believe I am defined by my memories, my ideals, my social environment, my history and my genetics. I believe we should be able to overcome all these predispositions.
I believe that coffee is bad for you, and that there’s nothing better than Ice-coffee during a boring lecture. I believe chocolate is a definite medicine for all emotional problems, but won’t do anything for anything.

I decided to write my own set of personal religions, and yes this was totally inspired by Neil Gaiman.

1 opmerking:

  1. I love this! You capture a ideas and feelings I can all too well relate to but not put words to. Beautiful. :)
